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Unleash Your Inner Jedi with Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure!

Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure

Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure is an action-packed Star Wars novel where Leia leads a dangerous mission against the Empire. Exciting read!

Do you love Star Wars? Do you want to know more about Princess Leia's adventures? Then look no further than Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure.

This novel, written by Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry, takes place between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. It follows Princess Leia as she embarks on a dangerous mission to save innocent lives from the clutches of the evil Empire.

Have you ever wondered what Princess Leia was up to during those years between the second and third films? Moving Target answers that question and so much more.

The story begins with Leia accepting a mission to evacuate a group of refugees from the Imperial-controlled planet of Sullust. However, things quickly become complicated when Leia discovers that the Empire has a specific target in mind: her.

But, as always, Leia is up for the challenge. With the help of some old friends (and some adorable new ones), she sets out to complete her mission and keep herself safe from harm.

One of the most exciting parts of Moving Target is the action sequences. From speeder bike chases to blaster battles, the action never stops. It's almost like watching a Star Wars movie in your head.

But this book isn't just a bunch of action scenes strung together. It's a thoughtful exploration of Leia's character and her motivations. We see her grappling with her desire to protect others and her own safety, as well as her feelings for Han Solo.

Speaking of Han, he plays a small but important role in this novel. We won't spoil anything, but let's just say that fans of Han and Leia's relationship will be very pleased.

At its core, Moving Target is a story about hope. Even in the darkest of times, Leia is determined to do what is right and protect those who can't protect themselves.

So if you're a Star Wars fan looking for your next read, or just someone who loves exciting sci-fi adventures, give Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure a chance. You won't be disappointed.

In conclusion, Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry have created a thrilling addition to the Star Wars universe with their novel Moving Target. It offers something for everyone - action, romance, and even a little bit of humor. So don't wait any longer - pick up a copy today and prepare to be transported to a galaxy far, far away.

A Journey Through The Galaxy with Princess Leia: Moving Target

There is no denying that the Star Wars franchise has introduced us to some of the most iconic and beloved characters in cinema history. Among them is Princess Leia Organa, played by the late Carrie Fisher. Leia is a powerful figure in the Star Wars universe who has inspired millions of fans all over the world.

In 2015, acclaimed author Cecil Castellucci and comic book writer Jason Fry collaborated on a novel titled Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure. The book is set in the aftermath of the events of the original Star Wars trilogy, and it follows Princess Leia as she embarks on a perilous mission to protect the newly formed Republic from the remnants of the Empire.

The Plot

The story begins with Princess Leia reflecting on her experiences during the Galactic Civil War. Despite the victory against the Empire, Leia knows that the threat of the dark side is far from over. She is soon approached by a group of senators who are concerned about the safety of the Republic. The Empire has splintered into fragments, and some factions are still determined to destroy the fledgling government.

Leia agrees to lead a team of soldiers on a dangerous mission to find a reclusive scientist who possesses knowledge that could turn the tide of the war. But in order to locate the scientist, Leia and her team must first infiltrate a heavily guarded Imperial stronghold. As they navigate treacherous terrain and confront dangerous enemies, Leia is forced to confront her own fears and doubts.

The Characters

Moving Target gives readers an opportunity to get to know Leia on a deeper level. Even though she is a powerful figure, she is not without flaws. Her struggles with self-doubt and the traumatic experiences of war make her a relatable and compelling character. Throughout the story, Leia is surrounded by a diverse group of allies, including a former member of the Imperial Navy and a brave smuggler.

The novel also introduces several new characters, including a sharp-witted teenage pilot named Kier. Kier is an intriguing addition to the Star Wars universe, and her interactions with Leia add a new dimension to the story.

The Themes

One of the most prominent themes in Moving Target is the idea of sacrifice. Throughout the story, Leia must make difficult decisions that often involve putting herself in harm's way for the sake of others. This sacrifice extends to the other characters as well, who risk their lives to complete the mission. The book also touches on themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the importance of standing up for what is right.

The Writing

Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry have crafted a thrilling adventure that captures the spirit of the Star Wars saga. The writing is brisk and engaging, filled with vivid descriptions of exotic planets and intense action scenes. The authors also do an excellent job of balancing the emotional weight of the story with the excitement of the action.

The Verdict

Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure is a must-read for any Star Wars fan. It offers a fresh perspective on one of the most iconic characters in cinema history, while also delivering a thrilling and heartwarming story. The novel is a testament to the enduring appeal of the Star Wars universe, and a fitting tribute to the late Carrie Fisher's iconic performance as Princess Leia.

If you haven't read it yet, make sure to pick up a copy of Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure and embark on a journey through the galaxy with one of the greatest heroes in cinematic history.

Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure Tips and Tutorial


Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure is one of the best adventure novels in the Star Wars series. Written by Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry, it tells the story of how Princess Leia risks her life to save a crucial rebellion ally. If you are an avid fan of Star Wars or just want to read a good adventure novel, then here are some tips and tricks for you.

1. Know your Characters

Before diving into the adventure, it is essential that you know who the characters are. In Moving Target, you need to familiarize yourself with Princess Leia, Nien Nunb, and Evaan Verlaine. These are the main characters who take you on this thrilling adventure.

2. Understand the Plot

To enjoy this novel fully, you need to have a full grasp of the plot. The saga is set after the destruction of the first Death Star when the Rebels were still fighting against the Empire. Princess Leia embarks on a dangerous mission to recruit a vital ally to help fight the Empire.

3. Take note of the Locale

Moving Target is set in various locations. It takes you from Sullest to Hynestia and the crystal moon of Morna. Note down the various planets and their characteristics to understand the journey better.

4. Pay Attention to the Timeframe

The timeline of events in Moving Target is critical. The story happens before the events of Return of the Jedi, so pay attention to the time references that you come across.

5. Read Carefully

Moving Target is full of intricate details, and you should read it carefully to avoid missing anything important. Keep an eye out for character development, foreshadowing, and symbolism.

6. Take Notes

As you read the novel, take notes on the character's development, plot twists, and revelations. This will keep you engaged in the story and make the experience even more enjoyable.

7. Use your Imagination

An adventure novel such as Moving Target is best enjoyed when you use your imagination. Create mental images of the characters and the scenes to make it more immersive.

8. Understand the Themes

Moving Target has several themes such as bravery, team spirit, and determination. Pay attention to these themes as they add depth to the story.

9. Watch Star Wars Movies

If you are new to the Star Wars franchise, watching some of the movies can help you get more immersed in the story. The events in Moving Target happen after the destruction of the first Death Star and before Return of the Jedi, so pay closer attention to those movies.

10. Enjoy the Adventure

Finally, remember to enjoy the journey that this novel takes you on. Have fun reading Moving Target and feel the excitement of being part of the resistance against the oppressive Empire.


In conclusion, Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure is a thrilling novel that any Star Wars fan should read. By following the above tips and tricks, you'll be able to immerse yourself in the adventurous world of the Star Wars universe. So grab a copy of the book today and embark on a journey with Princess Leia and her comrades.

Comparison Review: Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure

The Storyline

Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure is a science fiction novel co-written by Jason Fry and acclaimed author of the legends series, Cecil Castellucci. This book is one of the novels in the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens book series. The story perfectly captures the fierce and adventurous character of Princess Leia, who embarks on a mission to save an entire planet from destruction. The plot includes highly imaginative details of galactic travel, robotics, and laser battles.

The Characters

The main character of the story, Princess Leia, is portrayed as the strong and brave leader of the Galactic Empire. Her leadership skills are at their best as she forms alliances, defeats her foes, and protects the vulnerable. She is more than what fans remember of the iconic character, and this book uncovers the ways in which she has grown over time.

Aside from Leia, the other characters also had a significant impact on the story, such as Nien Nunb, the Sullustan thief, and Han Solo, who, during a brief appearance, still manages to showcase his wit and charm. The authors made sure that each character's motivations and personalities were fully developed, making them relatable and enjoyable to follow.

The Writing Style

Jason Fry and Cecil Castellucci utilize their writing skills to take the readers on an incredible sci-fi journey, filled with action, drama, and suspense. Their storytelling makes readers feel like they're part of the story, allowing them to visualize each scene vividly. However, the prose sometimes gets technical, and the use of jargon can be overwhelming for those who are not familiar with Star Wars terminologies.

Comparison Table

Criteria Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Storyline Captivating and imaginative storyline with well-explained details of galactic travel, robotics, and laser battles. Follows the same overall story arc as the original Star Wars trilogy with new characters and fan-satisfying appearances from classic favorites.
Characters Princess Leia and supporting characters are fleshed out and relatable through their motivations and personalities. New characters are introduced, and fan-favorite characters from the originals appear, but lack the character depth and development that is present in Moving Target.
Writing Style The writing style takes the reader on an immersive journey, but can be technical and jargon-heavy at times. Opens doors to a wider audience thanks to its simple, yet engaging, writing style.


Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure is a great addition to the Star Wars novel lineup. It's refreshing to see Princess Leia taking center stage as she saves the day, all while showing her strategic leadership style. The characters are well-rounded, and their relationships are genuine, making them easy to root for. However, the writing style can be a bit too technical and jargon-heavy for newcomers to the series, which can take away from the reading experience. Overall, it's an excellent book for Star Wars fans, especially those who want to delve deeper into Princess Leia's story.

Compared to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Moving Target stands out in terms of character development, especially for Princess Leia. The new characters introduced in Rogue One were refreshing, but they lacked the depth that the characters in Moving Target had. Rogue One, on the other hand, has a writing style that's approachable, while still being able to tell a great story. Choosing between the two ultimately comes down to personal preference, but I'd recommend Moving Target for readers who want to explore Princess Leia's story further.

Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure

Are you captivated by the Star Wars universe? Do you want to explore more about Princess Leia? If yes, then you should definitely read Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure. It’s a thrilling and action-packed adventure that not only highlights the bravery and intelligence of Princess Leia but also takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster with an amazing ensemble of characters.

The author, Cecil Castellucci, has done an outstanding job of crafting a story that features Princess Leia as the central character. The story is set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, where Leia is not only fighting against the Galactic Empire but also dealing with her personal demons. Her realistic portrayal in the book makes her even more endearing to readers.

Moving Target begins with Princess Leia being tasked with leading a secret mission to rescue refugees from the Empire. Despite knowing the risk and danger involved, Leia decides to take on this mission as it aligns with her values and beliefs. However, things are not as simple as they seem, and Leia has to face unexpected challenges throughout the mission.

As the story progresses, we see the emergence of several other dynamic characters that add depth and value to the overall plot. There’s Jax, who is a young pilot with leadership qualities and a tragic backstory. Then there's Wan, the engineer, who proves to be crucial in developing weapons that can take down the Empire’s weapons. We also have Kidi, a young girl who may have the answers to save the galaxy. Every character in Moving Target is unique and essential, making the story a memorable read.

The world-building in Moving Target is top-notch, and readers get a glimpse into various alien civilizations, planets, and cultures. The descriptions of different worlds that exist in the Star Wars universe are awe-inspiring, and every page of the book feels like an exciting adventure. The author’s writing style is engaging and pulls readers into the story, creating visual imagery that evokes emotions of empathy, fear, and excitement.

Moving Target is not just a fun-filled adventure; it also delves into deeper themes such as sacrifice, duty, and selflessness. Every action of Princess Leia and her team holds significant weight, and the story reminds us that even a small group of people can make a considerable difference in fighting against injustice.

The book is suitable for both young adults and older readers as it has a universal appeal. If you are a fan of Star Wars and are eager to know more about Princess Leia, then Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure is a must-read.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a fantastic adventure story that transports you to a galaxy far, far away, look no further than Moving Target. With its unique characterizations, top-notch world-building, and thrilling action, this book will not disappoint. It’s a fitting tribute to one of sci-fi's most iconic characters and will leave readers wanting more.

Thank you for reading and May the Force be with you always!

People Also Ask About Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure

What is Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure?

Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure is a novel in the Star Wars universe that follows Princess Leia as she leads a group of rebels to strike a crucial blow against the Empire.

Who is the author of Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure?

The book is co-authored by Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry.

When was Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure published?

The book was first published on September 4, 2015.

Is Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure considered canon in the Star Wars universe?

Yes, the book is part of the official Star Wars canon.

What age group is Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure intended for?

The book is intended for young adult readers ages 12-18.

Can Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure be read as a standalone novel?

Yes, it can be read as a standalone novel, but it's also a companion book to the Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi movie.

Does Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure contain any spoilers for the Star Wars movies?

Yes, the book contains spoilers for Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.

Can you recommend other Star Wars books similar to Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure?

Yes, here are some other Star Wars books that may interest you if you enjoyed Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure:

  1. Lost Stars by Claudia Gray
  2. Rebel Rising by Beth Revis
  3. Leia, Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray
  4. Bloodline by Claudia Gray

Is there a sequel to Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure?

No, Moving Target A Princess Leia Adventure is a standalone novel and does not have a sequel.

People Also Ask about Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure

1. What is Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure about?

Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure is a young adult novel set in the Star Wars universe. It follows the adventures of Princess Leia Organa, who takes on a dangerous mission to distract the Galactic Empire and protect the Rebel Alliance's secret base.

2. Who wrote Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure?

Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure was written by the acclaimed author duo Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry. They collaborated to create an exciting and gripping story that delves into Princess Leia's bravery and resourcefulness.

3. Is this book considered canon in the Star Wars universe?

Yes, Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure is part of the official Star Wars canon. It is recognized as a legitimate piece of the Star Wars lore and contributes to the overall continuity of the franchise.

4. Can I read this book if I haven't seen the Star Wars movies?

While prior knowledge of the Star Wars movies enhances the reading experience, Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure can still be enjoyed by readers who haven't seen the films. The book provides enough context and background information to follow the story and appreciate Princess Leia's character development.

5. Does this book feature other iconic Star Wars characters?

Yes, Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure includes appearances from other beloved Star Wars characters such as Han Solo and Chewbacca, who join Princess Leia on her mission. The interactions between these characters add depth and excitement to the narrative.

6. Is Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure suitable for all ages?

The book is primarily aimed at young adult readers, but it can be enjoyed by Star Wars fans of all ages. It offers an engaging storyline, dynamic characters, and a sense of adventure that appeals to a wide range of audiences.

7. Are there any sequels or related books to Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure?

No, Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure is a standalone novel. However, there are other Star Wars novels and comic book series that further explore the adventures of Princess Leia and the broader Star Wars universe.

Overall Tone: The overall tone used in answering these questions is informative and enthusiastic, conveying the excitement and significance of Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure within the Star Wars universe. The answers provide clear explanations while encouraging readers of all ages to explore the book and its connection to the larger franchise.