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On Target Living: Achieving Optimal Health with Chris Johnson's Approach

On Target Living Chris Johnson

On Target Living Chris Johnson is an expert in health and wellness, providing practical tips and strategies for living a balanced and vibrant life.

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and overweight? Do you want to improve your health and live a more fulfilling life? Look no further than On Target Living, a movement created by health and wellness expert Chris Johnson.

With over 25 years of experience in the industry, Chris Johnson has helped countless individuals achieve their health goals with his proven methods. His philosophy focuses on simple lifestyle changes that make a big impact, such as increasing water intake and adding more nutrient-rich foods to your diet.

But what really sets On Target Living apart is its emphasis on sustainable habits. Johnson understands that success isn't achieved through short-term gimmicks or fad diets – it's about making lasting changes that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

Through his seminars, books, and coaching programs, Johnson inspires individuals to take control of their health and shows them that they have the power to transform their lives. His approach is rooted in scientific research and backed by real-world results, making it a trustworthy and effective option for anyone looking to improve their well-being.

So, what exactly does On Target Living entail? It starts with a focus on nutrition, stressing the importance of whole, unprocessed foods and the benefits they have on the body. Johnson also emphasizes the value of physical activity, stating that “movement is medicine” and encouraging individuals to find activities that they enjoy.

But perhaps most importantly, On Target Living addresses the mental and emotional well-being of individuals. Johnson understands that a healthy lifestyle isn't just about physical health; it's about cultivating a positive mindset and nurturing relationships with those around you.

If you're ready to embark on your own wellness journey, On Target Living is here to guide you every step of the way. Through its various coaching programs and resources, you'll discover how to achieve optimal health and maximize your potential.

And the best part? You don't have to do it alone. Johnson and his team provide a supportive community that will help you stay accountable and motivated throughout your journey. By joining On Target Living, you'll not only improve your health – you'll also gain a supportive network of like-minded individuals.

If you're still skeptical, consider this: the On Target Living approach has helped individuals lose weight, reduce stress levels, and improve their overall quality of life. It's a proven method that works, and with the guidance of Chris Johnson and his team, you can make it work for you too.

So what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you and check out On Target Living today. With its practical tips, supportive community, and science-backed approach, it just might be the solution you've been looking for.


On Target Living is a wellness company founded by the renowned speaker, author, and expert on wellness and leadership, Chris Johnson. Chris has been in the fitness industry for over 30 years, and his company is focused on delivering sustainable health solutions that help individuals and companies improve their lifestyle choices, productivity, and overall well-being.

Chris Johnson's Background

Chris Johnson's passion for health and wellness started at a young age. He was an athlete in high school and a football player during his college days. After graduation, he pursued a career in the health and wellness industry, and for over three decades, he has helped hundreds of thousands of people make healthy lifestyle changes that bring about longevity and quality of life. One of the reasons Chris has become so successful in his field of expertise is because he practices what he preaches. He believes that every person can achieve optimal health and wellness if they adopt healthy habits, such as exercise, healthy nutrition, and mindfulness practices.

On Target Living

On Target Living is a company that offers a range of wellness programs, including consulting, speaking, and training. The company is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals make transformative changes to their lifestyle habits, leading to higher energy, better performance, and healthier living.The company’s approach is based on the philosophy that true wellness goes beyond just physical health. It involves aligning the three core pillars of health: lifestyle, mindset, and nutrition. On Target Living offers a variety of programs, ranging from personal coaching to corporate wellness, all designed to help individuals achieve optimal living.

The Benefits of On Target Living

The benefits of On Target Living are numerous. Individuals can expect improved health, greater energy and vitality, enhanced mental clarity, and deeper, more restful sleep. They will also experience reduced stress levels and increased productivity, which can lead to greater success in both their professional and personal lives.For companies, the benefits of implementing an On Target Living program are many. Employees who are healthy and thriving are more engaged, focused, and productive. This can lead to lower healthcare costs, fewer sick days, and a more positive work environment overall.

On Target Living Programs

On Target Living offers a range of programs that cater to the individual needs of businesses and individuals. One of the most popular programs is the “Mastering Your Mindset” workshop, which helps individuals achieve a positive mindset and overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors.The company also offers consulting services to businesses, helping them create a wellness plan tailored to their unique needs. This may include customized nutrition plans, fitness programs, and stress-management techniques.On Target Living has also launched a range of online courses and coaching programs, designed to make wellness accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or schedule.

The On Target Living Philosophy

The philosophy of On Target Living is centered around the idea that optimal health and wellness can only be achieved by aligning the three pillars of health: lifestyle, mindset, and nutrition. It emphasizes the importance of making sustainable changes to one's lifestyle habits, rather than relying on fad diets or temporary fixes.The company’s philosophy is backed by scientific research, and its programs are designed to be practical, simple, and achievable. The goal is to provide individuals with the tools they need to make lasting, positive changes to their lives.


Chris Johnson's On Target Living has become a leading wellness company, thanks to its holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Its programs have helped countless individuals and businesses achieve their goals and realize their potential.By focusing on aligning the three core pillars of health, On Target Living has created a sustainable and effective solution to optimal health and wellbeing. Its practical, science-backed programs have become the go-to for individuals and businesses looking to make positive lifestyle changes that bring about lasting benefits.If you're looking to improve your health, productivity, and overall well-being, On Target Living is an excellent starting point. Its team of experts can help you create a wellness plan tailored to your unique needs, guiding you every step of the way towards optimal living.

Discover the Secrets of Living a Healthier Life with On Target Living Chris Johnson


You might have heard about On Target Living Chris Johnson and wondered what it's all about. On Target Living is a wellness company that aims to help individuals and organizations achieve optimal health and performance. The founder of the company, Chris Johnson, has spent over a decade researching and studying health and wellness, and has helped thousands of people transform their lives for the better. In this article, we will explore the tips and strategies that Chris Johnson advocates for a healthier and happier life.

Set a Personal Mission Statement

One of the core principles of On Target Living is setting a personal mission statement. A mission statement is a statement that sums up your purpose and values in life. It serves as a guide for making decisions and choices that align with your goals and values. According to Chris Johnson, setting a mission statement is a powerful tool for creating a meaningful life filled with purpose and focus.


Take some time to reflect on what matters most to you in life. Write down your values and goals and use them to create a personal mission statement.

Eat Real Food

Another key principle of On Target Living is the importance of eating real food. Chris Johnson believes that many of our health problems are caused by the highly processed, nutrient-poor foods that dominate our diets. Instead, he advocates for consuming whole, unprocessed foods that are nutrient-dense and packed with vitamins and minerals.


Make a conscious effort to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid foods that come in packages or have long lists of ingredients.

Maintain a Healthy Gut

The gut is often called the second brain because of its impact on our overall health and well-being. Chris Johnson emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy gut by consuming probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt and kefir, and avoiding antibiotics and other medications that disrupt gut health.


Include probiotic-rich foods in your diet and consider taking a high-quality probiotic supplement to promote healthy gut bacteria.


Meditation is a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting mental clarity. Chris Johnson recommends incorporating meditation into your daily routine to improve focus, reduce anxiety, and increase overall well-being.


Try meditating for just a few minutes each day. Start with simple breathing exercises and gradually increase the length of your practice as you become more comfortable.

Move More

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Chris Johnson advocates for incorporating movement into your daily routine, whether it's through structured workouts or simply moving more throughout the day.


Find an activity that you enjoy, such as walking, cycling, or dancing, and make it a regular part of your routine. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is crucial for proper physical and mental function. Chris Johnson recommends getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night to ensure that your body and brain have enough time to rest and recover.


Create a relaxing bedtime routine and aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Avoid electronic devices before bed and consider creating a quiet, dark environment to promote restful sleep.

Stay Hydrated

Water is essential for proper bodily function and can help improve energy levels, promote weight loss, and support healthy skin. Chris Johnson advocates for drinking plenty of water throughout the day to ensure proper hydration.


Carry a water bottle with you throughout the day and aim to drink at least 8 cups of water daily. Consider adding lemon or other fruit to your water for added flavor.

Cultivate Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for promoting happiness and well-being. Chris Johnson recommends cultivating gratitude by focusing on the good things in life and expressing appreciation for the people and things that make life enjoyable.


Start a gratitude journal or take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things that you are grateful for. Express appreciation to loved ones and colleagues to cultivate a positive, grateful mindset.


In summary, On Target Living Chris Johnson offers a wealth of tips and strategies for living a healthier and happier life. By setting a personal mission statement, eating real food, maintaining a healthy gut, meditating, moving more, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and cultivating gratitude, you can optimize your health and well-being. Incorporate these principles into your daily routine and experience the transformative power of On Target Living.

On Target Living Chris Johnson: An In-Depth Comparison


Living a healthy and balanced lifestyle has never been more important than it is today. With the increasing number of chronic illnesses, it’s time to refocus our attention on the power of health and wellness. Chris Johnson, the founder of On Target Living, has taken it upon himself to educate people around the world about living a healthy lifestyle. In this article, we will compare On Target Living with other wellness companies, the philosophy behind their practices, and the experiences shared by customers.

The Comparison Table

| | On Target Living | The Well Necessities | Goop ||---------------------|--------------------|----------------------|---------------------|| Philosophy | Real food, real life | Real food, real life | Health + wellness || Focuses on | Nutrition | Nutrition, fitness | Skincare, wellness || Workshops & Seminars | Yes | Yes | Yes || Digital Resources | Yes | Yes | Yes || Products | Supplements, books | Supplements, courses | Supplements, beauty |


On Target Living’s philosophy is centered around the concept of embracing real food for a real life. They focus on the alignment of overall health and wellness, which means that exercise, sleep, and self-care are prioritized alongside good nutrition. On the other hand, The Well Necessities also believes in real food for real life but their main focus is on healthy eating and movement. Meanwhile, Goop has various sections like wellness, travel, and beauty but their main focus is on skincare and general wellness.

On Target Living Experience

The On Target Living experience starts with the education of individuals through workshops and seminars. At these events, individuals are equipped with tools to live a healthier lifestyle by learning about nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management. There are also digital resources such as meal plans, cooking videos, and customized coaching available through the website and mobile app.

The Well Necessities Experience

The Well Necessities provides courses and events that aim to educate individuals about healthy eating habits, movement, and mindful living. There are also supplements and digital resources available on their website.

Goop Experience

Goop provides wellness advice, tips, and practices through their website and podcast by addressing various topics, including skincare and beauty. They also have an online shop where customers can purchase beauty products and supplements recommended by experts.

Workshops & Seminars

On Target Living hosts workshops and seminars around the world to educate people who aspire to live a healthy lifestyle. These educational events cover several topics related to health, nutrition, and wellness. Similarly, The Well Necessities provides courses and services for those who want to learn more about healthy eating, exercise, and sustainable living.

On Target Living Seminar: Energy for Performance

On Target Living offers seminars like the “Energy for Performance” program that teaches individuals about nutrition for performance enhancement. This seminar educates individuals about creating sustainable habits to maximize their energy levels throughout the day, such as choosing the right foods and managing stress levels.

The Well Necessities Course: The 28-Day RESET

The 28-day course offered by The Well Necessities aims to reset your body to make healthy living a part of your daily routine. The course includes informative lessons in mindfulness, exercise, and nutrition to help individuals adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Digital Resources

On Target Living offers a range of digital resources for individuals who can’t attend workshops or seminars. These include meal plans, cooking videos, books, and customized coaching. The Well Necessities also provides digital resources such as supplements, recipes, and physical courses that are accessible online. Similarly, Goop offers an online marketplace, where customers can purchase recommended supplements, beauty products, and books.


On Target Living, The Well Necessities, and Goop have an array of health and wellness products available. On Target Living has a range of books and supplements for purchase on their website. The Well Necessities provides courses, supplements, and organic snacks. Goop offers various beauty and skincare products alongside supplements.


It’s evident that health and wellness companies have become increasingly popular in the world today. On Target Living, The Well Necessities, and Goop are just some examples of companies that are striving to educate individuals globally to adopt healthier lifestyles. Relating these three companies shows that while they all have similar foundations in healthy eating, the primary focus of each is distinct. Ultimately, consumers must decide which approach works best for them based on their individual preferences and goals.

The Power of On Target Living with Chris Johnson

If you are looking for a way to improve your health and wellness, look no further than On Target Living with Chris Johnson. This program offers a holistic approach to living that focuses on nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being. Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your performance or just someone who wants to feel better and live longer, On Target Living can help you reach your goals.

One of the key principles of On Target Living is the importance of nutrition. Chris Johnson and his team believe that the food we eat has a powerful impact on our overall health and well-being. They advocate for a diet that is high in whole, natural foods and low in processed foods and sugar. By eating this way, they argue, we can reduce inflammation in our bodies, improve our digestion, and boost our energy levels.

Another important aspect of On Target Living is exercise. Chris Johnson is a former NFL player, so he knows a thing or two about staying fit and active. He and his team believe that regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health, and they offer a variety of workouts and training programs to help people achieve their fitness goals. Whether you prefer to work out at home or in a gym, there is an On Target Living program that can work for you.

In addition to nutrition and exercise, On Target Living also emphasizes the importance of mental well-being. Chris Johnson believes that our thoughts and emotions play a major role in our overall health, and he offers strategies for managing stress, improving sleep, and cultivating a positive mindset. By focusing on our mental health, he argues, we can create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

If you are interested in learning more about On Target Living with Chris Johnson, there are a few ways to get involved. First, you can visit the On Target Living website and sign up for their newsletter, which is full of tips and advice for living a healthy lifestyle. You can also follow Chris Johnson on social media, where he shares inspirational stories and insights from his own life.

If you are really serious about improving your health and wellness, you might want to consider attending one of the On Target Living events or workshops. These are led by Chris Johnson himself, and they offer an immersive experience that can help you transform your life. At these events, you will learn about nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being, and you will have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded people who are on the same journey as you.

Overall, On Target Living with Chris Johnson is a powerful program that can help anyone improve their health and well-being. Whether you are an athlete, a busy professional, or just someone who wants to feel better and live longer, this program has something to offer. So why not give it a try? Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Thank you for reading this article on On Target Living with Chris Johnson. We hope that you have found this information helpful and informative. If you are interested in learning more about this program, we encourage you to visit the On Target Living website or follow Chris Johnson on social media. And if you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us directly. We would love to hear from you!

On Target Living Chris Johnson FAQs

Who is Chris Johnson?

Chris Johnson is the founder of On Target Living, which is a wellness company that focuses on improving the health and performance of individuals and organizations. He is also an expert in nutrition, exercise, and healthy living.

What is On Target Living?

On Target Living is a wellness company founded by Chris Johnson that provides services such as wellness coaching, keynote speaking, and corporate wellness programs. Their mission is to help individuals and organizations achieve optimal health and performance through sustainable lifestyle changes.

What services does On Target Living offer?

On Target Living offers a variety of services to help individuals and organizations improve their health and well-being. Some of these services include:

  1. Wellness coaching
  2. Keynote speaking
  3. Corporate wellness programs
  4. Workplace wellness assessments
  5. Online courses and webinars

What is the philosophy behind On Target Living?

The philosophy behind On Target Living is that small but consistent lifestyle changes can lead to significant improvements in health and wellness. The company emphasizes the importance of eating nutritious foods, getting enough physical activity, managing stress levels, and staying hydrated.

How can On Target Living help individuals and organizations?

On Target Living can help individuals and organizations by providing them with the tools and resources they need to improve their health and performance. By working with On Target Living, individuals and organizations can:

  • Improve their energy levels
  • Reduce their risk of chronic diseases
  • Increase their productivity
  • Reduce healthcare costs
  • Create a culture of wellness within their organization

People Also Ask About On Target Living Chris Johnson

Who is Chris Johnson?

Chris Johnson is a well-known health and wellness expert, speaker, and author. He is the founder and CEO of On Target Living, a company that provides customized wellness solutions to individuals and organizations. With over 30 years of experience in the field, Chris has helped thousands of people improve their overall health and well-being.

What is On Target Living?

On Target Living is a company founded by Chris Johnson that offers a holistic approach to wellness. They provide personalized programs, workshops, and coaching services to help individuals and organizations achieve optimal health and performance. On Target Living focuses on four key pillars of wellness: nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and sleep.

What does Chris Johnson's approach to wellness involve?

Chris Johnson's approach to wellness involves taking a comprehensive look at all aspects of an individual's life. He believes that nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and sleep are interconnected and should be optimized for overall well-being. His philosophy emphasizes the importance of making sustainable lifestyle changes rather than relying on short-term fixes or fad diets.

What books has Chris Johnson written?

Chris Johnson has authored several books on health and wellness, sharing his knowledge and expertise with a wider audience. Some of his notable books include:

  1. On Target Living: Your Guide to a Life of Balance, Energy, and Vitality
  2. The Power of Positive Eating: Transform Your Life One Bite at a Time
  3. The Capacity Coach: How to Build Your Mental and Emotional Endurance to Thrive in the Face of Life’s Demands

How can I benefit from Chris Johnson's teachings?

By embracing the principles and practices shared by Chris Johnson, you can experience numerous benefits for your overall well-being. Some potential benefits include:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improved mental clarity and focus
  • Enhanced physical fitness
  • Weight management
  • Reduced stress and improved emotional well-being

Where can I find more information about Chris Johnson and On Target Living?

To learn more about Chris Johnson and On Target Living, you can visit their official website at The website provides access to various resources, including books, articles, videos, and information about their programs and services. You can also follow Chris Johnson on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for regular updates and insights on health and wellness.

By providing valuable insights and expertise in the field of health and wellness, Chris Johnson and On Target Living aim to empower individuals and organizations to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Their holistic approach focuses on sustainable lifestyle changes and emphasizes the interconnectedness of nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and sleep.