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Effortlessly Organize Your Space with Wall Cabinet Rollers | Top-Quality and Easy-to-Install Solutions!

Valje Wall Cabinet

Introducing Valje Wall Cabinet: the perfect storage solution for your home. Stylish and functional, it adds a touch of elegance to any room.

Wall cabinet rollers are functional and practical solutions for those looking to optimize their storage capacity in the kitchen. These rollers are attached to cabinet doors, allowing them to slide easily into place and make better use of the space inside. If you’re someone who struggles with limited counter and storage space, then this article is for you! In the following paragraphs, we will put light on how these practical rollers can ease your life in the kitchen.

Did you know that wall cabinet rollers can increase the amount of storage you have in your kitchen by up to 50%? This storage solution allows you to easily slide the cabinet out of the way and access the items stored behind it with ease. Say goodbye to reaching into deep corners of your cabinets or climbing on a step stool to reach higher shelves.

If you’re thinking that installing wall cabinet rollers might be a difficult process, fear not! With quick and easy installation, these rollers require no special tools and can be done in as little as 10 minutes. Their use doesn't only apply to the kitchen. You can use them in your bathroom cabinets or even your garage. Imagine how much more organized and efficient your home could be with this innovative solution.

Do you find yourself constantly struggling with your busy schedule when it comes to cleaning? Wall Cabinet Rollers present a much better cleaning solution since removing food particles and dust from the narrow back corners of cabinets and drawers can be a nightmare. The rollers make it easy for you to clean all corners without unnecessary hassle.

If you're still not convinced, consider this: Wall cabinet rollers are budget-friendly. Instead of purchasing new cabinets altogether or investing in expensive renovation costs, these rollers are an easy and cost-effective way to upgrade your current storage capabilities.

Wall cabinet rollers come in different strengths, and different styles to fit the specific needs of your kitchen. With features like soft-closing and adjustable design, you can customize your rollers to suit your specific needs and preferences.

Not only are they practical, but wall cabinet rollers can also offer a stylish addition to the design of your kitchen! With a wide array of colours and finishes to choose from, you can easily match them with your existing decor.

If you're a renter, don't fret. You do not have to sacrifice storage space just because you don't own your home. These rollers are a perfect solution for renters since they are easily removable without damaging the cabinets.

Wall cabinet rollers are durable and low maintenance! With little to no upkeep required, these rollers won't let you down.

In conclusion, wall cabinet rollers are an excellent solution for anyone looking to make better use of their limited kitchen or bathroom space. They provide an innovative and cost-effective way to increase storage space and organization in your home. Don't waste any more time digging around in the back of your cabinets. Upgrade to wall cabinet rollers today and experience the efficiency and convenience that comes with this state-of-the-art storage solution.

The Importance of Wall Cabinet Rollers in the Home

Wall cabinets are essential for any home's storage needs. They provide convenience and organization, which makes it easy to find and access items. With the help of wall cabinet rollers, you can optimize the use of space in your home and keep things tidy. Here are some reasons why wall cabinet rollers are essential:

1. Easier to Clean

One advantage of having wall cabinet rollers is that it makes cleaning easier. You can easily move the cabinet out of the way to clean the floor or the area behind it. With traditional fixed cabinets, cleaning around and underneath them can be difficult and time-consuming.

2. Saves Space

Another benefit of using wall cabinet rollers is that it saves space. Instead of having a cabinet that takes up valuable space in the room, you can have one that glides and moves to provide access to your items. This helps to maximize the use of limited space in small homes and apartments.

3. Easy to Access Items

With wall cabinet rollers, it is easy to access your items. You can reach for anything you need without hassle. Unlike traditional cabinets, which often require you to remove everything in order to access what's in the back, rolling cabinet systems give you immediate and convenient access.

4. Customizable

Rolling cabinets come in different sizes, so they can be customized to suit specific needs. If you have extra-large items or lots of small items, you can choose the perfect size that will accommodate your needs. And if, over time, your needs change or you have new items to store, you can adjust the size of your rolling cabinet accordingly.

5. Durable and Long-lasting

Wall cabinet rollers are built to last. They are made of sturdy materials like steel, which makes them strong enough for daily use. You don't have to worry about damage or wear and tear because the rollers are designed to withstand long periods of use.


Wall cabinet rollers are essential if you want an organized and efficient home. They make it easy to store, access, and maintain your items without taking up too much space. With a rolling cabinet system, you can have a clean and well-organized home that is both practical and functional. So why not invest in a wall cabinet roller today and see how it can improve your living space?

Tips and Tricks for Installing Wall Cabinet Rollers


Installing wall cabinet rollers can be a challenging task, especially if you’re not experienced with cabinetry. However, by following some simple tips and tricks, you can make the installation process much simpler and more efficient. In this article, we will discuss the basics of cabinet roller installation, along with some helpful tips that will help you get the job done right.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you begin the installation process, it's essential to have all the materials you will need on hand. These may include the rollers themselves, mounting screws, and other hardware necessary for securing the rollers to the cabinet and the wall. You may also want to use a level to ensure that your cabinet is installed straight.

Step 2: Measure the Cabinet and Wall

In order to properly install your cabinet rollers, you'll need to take accurate measurements of both the cabinet and the wall where you plan to mount it. This will allow you to determine where to place the rollers and ensure that everything is level and correctly aligned.

Step 3: Attach the Rollers to the Cabinet

Start by attaching the rollers to the back of the cabinet, lining them up with the measurement you took earlier. Use the provided screws to attach the rollers securely to the cabinet, ensuring that they are snug but not over-tightened. It's important to use the right size screws for your particular rollers, as using too large or small of screws can cause problems down the line.

Step 4: Mount the Cabinet on the Wall

Once the rollers are installed securely on the cabinet, lift the cabinet onto the wall and slide the rollers into the designated slots on the track. Make sure that the cabinet is level and correctly aligned before securing it to the wall using screws or other hardware. If the cabinet is not level, you may have to adjust the position of the rollers.

Step 5: Test the Rollers

Before you fill your cabinet with items, it's essential to test the rollers to ensure that they are functioning correctly. Open the cabinet door and carefully slide it back and forth to make sure that the rollers are rolling smoothly and easily along the track. If anything feels off, you may need to adjust your installation or replace the rollers.

Tips for Successful Installation

- Always use the right screws for your particular rollers- Double-check measurements before making cuts or installing hardware- Level everything for smooth, effortless sliding- Take your time when installing to avoid errors or mistakes- Test the rollers before loading your cabinet with heavy items


With the right tools and a bit of patience, installing wall cabinet rollers can be a manageable project for even the most inexperienced DIYers. By following these tips and tricks, you'll be able to get your cabinet installed quickly and without frustration. So next time you need to install new cabinets, don't hesitate to take on the challenge!

Comparing the Best Wall Cabinet Rollers: Which One Saves Space and Offers Functionality?


Rollers are essential for maintaining kitchen cabinets' functionality, especially when they are mounted on walls. Wall cabinet rollers help create space and ensure easy access to stored items. Choosing the right wall cabinet rollers that suit your needs can be an overwhelming task, given the numerous brands and types available in the market. This article aims to provide a comparison of the best wall cabinet rollers and their features.

The Four Types of Wall Cabinet Rollers

Wall-mounted cabinets can utilize various types of rollers, namely: Full-extension, partial-extension, soft-close, and ball-bearing rollers.Full-extension rollers allow the cabinet's full drawer to slide out entirely, providing access and easy storage of all items within the drawer. Partial-extension rollers enable just a part of the drawer to slide out, facilitating easy access to the drawer's contents without opening it fully. Soft-close rollers are designed to control the drawer's movement when closing, ensuring a gentle and noise-free operation. Meanwhile, ball-bearing rollers can support heavy-duty storage with high performance and durability, allowing smooth movement.

Features Comparison

To compare the four types of rollers, we assessed key features such as weight capacity, size dimensions, and material quality.Full-extension rollers are ideal for larger cabinets, as they can accommodate drawers up to 24 inches. They have a weight capacity of 100 pounds and are made of high-quality steel materials, making them durable and long-lasting.Partial-extension rollers, on the other hand, are perfect for smaller cabinets, with drawers up to 12 inches. They can hold up to 50 pounds of weight and have a more affordable price range compared to full-extension rollers. Though they may not last as long as full-extension ones, these rollers offer a great option for those with space limitations.Soft-close rollers have low weight capacities, generally around 50 pounds, but the benefit of noiseless and cushioned operation when closing. They are also a popular choice due to the control they offer, preventing slamming or damage to cabinet contents that may be fragile.Lastly, ball-bearing rollers excel in their carrying capacity, with an average of 150 pounds. They meet the demands of heavy-duty storage, like storing tools or electronic equipment. All-metal construction and a quality ball-bearing mechanism offer long-term durability.

Table Comparison

The following table summarizes the features comparison of the four types of wall cabinet rollers:| Roller Type | Weight Capacity (lbs) | Drawer Size Compatibility (inches) | Material Quality || --- | --- | --- | --- || Full-extension | 100 | Up to 24 | High-quality steel || Partial-extension | 50 | Up to 12 | Affordable materials || Soft-close | 50 | Any size | Quiet mechanism || Ball-bearing | 150 | Any size | All-metal construction |

Our Opinion

Selecting the right wall cabinet rollers depends on preference, need, and budget. However, our top pick is the full-extension roller due to its superior carrying capacity, durable materials, and extended drawer size compatibility. It is a worthwhile investment that will maximize your cabinet's space while ensuring easy access to stored items.In conclusion, having the right wall cabinet rollers not only provides convenience, but it also helps maintain order in your kitchen. By comparing the four types of wall cabinet rollers and assessing their features carefully, you can identify which one suits your needs best.

Wall Cabinet Rollers: A Must-Have for Efficiency and Convenience

If you are renovating or upgrading your kitchen, you might want to consider investing in wall cabinet rollers. These handy contraptions make accessing your kitchen items easier and more efficient. No more getting on your knees and struggling to reach the back of your cabinets! Simply slide out your drawer effortlessly and access all your items with ease.

Wall cabinet rollers are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. They save time, energy, and make everyday tasks simpler. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of wall cabinet rollers in depth.

Benefits of Wall Cabinet Rollers:

Ease of Access: wall cabinet rollers make it easier to see and access everything in your kitchen cabinets. This saves time and energy, especially when you’re in a rush.

Efficiency: with wall cabinet rollers, you can quickly and easily find what you’re looking for. No more digging through the back of cabinets to find that pot or pan.

Organization: wall cabinet rollers help to keep your cabinets organized and tidy. You can use them to store pots, pans, lids, dishes, and more. With everything easily accessible, you’ll be able to see what you have and avoid buying duplicates.

Style: wall cabinet rollers can add a stylish touch to your kitchen. They come in a variety of materials and styles, so you can choose something that complements your décor.

Customization: wall cabinet rollers can be customized to fit your specific needs. If you have oddly-shaped cabinets or items to store, there is a solution for you.

How to Install Wall Cabinet Rollers:

Installing wall cabinet rollers is straightforward, and can be done by anyone with basic DIY skills. The first step is to remove the old cabinet shelf or drawer. Then, measure the width and depth of the cabinet to ensure that you get the right size roller. Some rollers come in adjustable sizes, which can make the installation process even easier.

The next step is to attach the rollers to the bottom of the cabinet. This is done with screws or adhesive depending on the product you choose. Once the rollers are secured, simply slide the drawer back in and you’re done!

Choosing the Right Wall Cabinet Rollers:

When choosing wall cabinet rollers, consider the weight of the items you will be storing and the size of your cabinets. You want to make sure that the rollers can support the weight and that they fit snugly in your cabinet.

Another thing to consider is the type of roller you want. There are ball-bearing rollers that glide out smoothly, and nylon rollers that are quieter and less expensive. Weigh the pros and cons of each and choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Final Thoughts:

If you’re looking to upgrade your kitchen, investing in wall cabinet rollers should be at the top of your list. They’re easy to install, efficient, and offer a range of benefits. With wall cabinet rollers, you’ll never have to struggle to reach the back of your cabinets again. Shop around and find the right rollers for you today!

Thank you for reading our article about wall cabinet rollers. We hope you found it informative and helpful in your decision-making process. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

People Also Ask About Wall Cabinet Rollers

What are wall cabinet rollers?

Wall cabinet rollers are hardware accessories that help in the smooth and easy movement of cabinets that hang on walls. They are designed to bear the load of the cabinet and allow it to move back and forth or side-to-side without any hurdles.

How many rollers are required for a wall cabinet?

The number of rollers needed for a wall cabinet largely depends on the size and weight of the cabinet. However, as a general rule, two rollers are sufficient for a smaller cabinet, whereas larger cabinets might require three or four rollers for optimal support.

What materials are used for wall cabinet rollers?

Wall cabinet rollers are typically made from heavy-duty materials such as steel or nylon. Steel rollers are known for their durability and strength, while nylon rollers are lightweight and corrosion-resistant.

Can wall cabinet rollers be installed by DIYers?

Yes, wall cabinet rollers can be easily installed by DIY enthusiasts. However, it is important to ensure that the rollers are the correct fit and properly aligned with the cabinet. It is always best to follow the installation manual provided by the manufacturer.

What are the benefits of using wall cabinet rollers?

Some of the benefits of using wall cabinet rollers include:

1. Ease of Movement - Wall cabinet rollers make it effortless to move a cabinet across your wall, enabling quick access and easy maneuverability.

2. Space-Saving - By hanging your cabinets on the wall with rollers, you save valuable floor space, which can be useful in smaller rooms or kitchens.

3. Increased Durability - Wall cabinet rollers provide better support compared to traditional wall-mounted brackets, which can place undue strain on the cabinet and damage it over time.

People Also Ask about Valje Wall Cabinet

1. How do I hang a Valje wall cabinet?

To hang a Valje wall cabinet, follow these steps:

  • Start by determining the desired location for the cabinet on your wall.
  • Use a stud finder to locate the studs in the wall. It is important to anchor the cabinet securely to the studs for stability.
  • Mark the positions of the studs on the wall using a pencil.
  • Hold the cabinet against the wall at the desired height and align it with the marked stud positions.
  • Using a drill, create pilot holes in the back of the cabinet, corresponding to the stud positions.
  • Securely attach the cabinet to the wall by inserting screws through the pilot holes and into the studs.
  • Double-check that the cabinet is level before tightening the screws completely.

2. Can I customize the interior of a Valje wall cabinet?

Yes, you can customize the interior of a Valje wall cabinet according to your needs and preferences. The Valje series offers various accessories such as shelves, drawers, and organizers that are designed to fit inside the cabinet. These accessories can be easily adjusted or removed to create the desired storage configuration.

3. What are the dimensions of a Valje wall cabinet?

The dimensions of a Valje wall cabinet may vary depending on the specific model and design. However, most Valje wall cabinets have a standard size of approximately 13 ¾ inches (35 cm) in width, 13 ¾ inches (35 cm) in depth, and 13 ¾ inches (35 cm) in height. It is recommended to check the product description or specifications for the exact dimensions of the specific Valje wall cabinet you are interested in.

4. Can I use a Valje wall cabinet in the bathroom?

Yes, you can use a Valje wall cabinet in the bathroom. However, it is important to consider the materials and finish of the cabinet to ensure it can withstand the moisture and humidity typically found in a bathroom environment. Some Valje cabinets may have a melamine surface that is resistant to moisture, making them suitable for bathroom use. Additionally, you may want to consider using proper sealing and ventilation techniques in your bathroom to protect the cabinet and enhance its durability.

5. Can a Valje wall cabinet be mounted on any type of wall?

A Valje wall cabinet can generally be mounted on most types of walls, including drywall, plaster, and concrete. However, it is crucial to ensure that the wall is capable of supporting the weight of the cabinet and its contents. For drywall or plaster walls, it is recommended to anchor the cabinet to the studs for added stability. If mounting on a concrete wall, you may need appropriate tools and hardware, such as masonry anchors or screws, to securely attach the cabinet.